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CRD InsurTech

Example live systems

Lukango Insurance UK: E-Commerce Insurance for Small Business Business, Cyber, E-Commerce, Stock Insurance

This project is for a full front end and back office system. Catering for the initial product launch, as well as future proofing for multiple additional products to be added over the next 12 months. The products will allow the users to choose multiple products to include in their policy including cyber as "bolt-ons". With a UBI based approach to insuring the stock you have on each month, the CRD system has had to build some brand new components to enable this innovative approach to insuring different stock each month.

CRD have used all modules from our suite, including ratings, documentation, email, policy management, and reports.

With a payment gateway integration, policy holders can purchase their insurance from start to finish completed online, and recieve their polices via email. 

Click image below to view product.

Lukango CRD InsurTech Insurance Software

Peliwica MGA UK & EU: Equine, Commercial, Motor, Agricultural, Vet Insurance 

This project has been evolving over the last few years. As an MGA, Peliwica require the ability to easily allow brokers to enter information and receive their quotes. As an MGA, Peliwica require the ability to manually review and underwrite their products based on their underwriters risk profiling of the data available. Innovative white labelled broker front end websites, allows the brokers to leverage their organic website traffic to get quotes completed automatically, saving time and allowing more quotes to be sent across to the MGA. The CRD system now caters for 6 insurance products for Peliwica, with many third party integrations, full rating engines for each product and full policy management. Click image below to view product.

Peliwica MGA CRD InsurTech Insurance Software

Park Home Assist Insurance UK, Ireland & EU: Park Home Insurance

This project allows Park Home Insurance to maximise their direct to consumer traffic on their website, allowing for quote or even purchased policies to go through our automated rating engine and underwriting checks.

With a full payment gateway and policy generate module attached, quotes can be converted to polices completed automatically. The back office CRD system allows for the telephone operator to enter the information and produce the quotes and polices over the phone. Embedded with third party tools in the front end to give high level of detail on customer behaviour.

Allowing customers to log in and renew their polices through a customer self service portal, this product can be entirely self service for policyholders. 

Click image below to view product.

Assist Insurance Sevices CRD InsurTech Insurance Software

Harry Hall Insurance UK: Equine, personal accident, vet & trailer insruance

This project utilises all modules from the CRD suite.
Harry Hall required an embedded insurance system to allow them to talk with their other systems, connect to multiple third party system and allow the policy holders to purchase multiple polices as well as a policy holder self management portal.
With a direct to consumer &, affiliate partner channel, as well as telephone sales, the CRD system allows Harry Hall to collect new policy holder application from any sources. Full end to end, from quote, payment collection (DD or annual), sanction checking, policy document issuance via emails and full automated ratings engine, as well as policy management for MTAs, renewals, canclelation and referrals. Click image below to view product.
Harry Hall CRD InsurTech Insurance Software

My Holiday Home Insurance UK & Ireland: Home/property insurance

This project allows My Holiday Home Insurance to maximise their direct to consumer traffic on their website, allowing for quote or even purchased policies to go through our automated rating engine and underwriting checks.

With a full payment gateway and policy generate module attached, quotes can be converted to polices completed automatically. The back office CRD system allows for the telephone operator to enter the information and produce the quotes and polices over the phone. Embedded with third party tools in the front end to give high level of detail on customer behaviour.  Allowing customers to log in and renew their polices through a customer self service portal, this product can be entirely self service for policyholders. 

Click image below to view product.

My Holiday Home Insurance CRD InsurTech Insurance Software

Leisure Lodge Insurance UK, Ireland & EU: Personal Lines & Property insurance 

This project allows Leisure Lodge Insurance to maximise their direct to consumer traffic on their website, allowing for quote or even purchased policies to go through our automated rating engine and underwriting checks.

With a full payment gateway and policy generate module attached, quotes can be converted to polices completed automatically. The back office CRD system allows for the telephone operator to enter the information and produce the quotes and polices over the phone. Embedded with third party tools in the front end to give high level of detail on customer behaviour.

Allowing customers to log in and renew their polices through a customer self service portal, this product can be entirely self service for policyholders. 

Click image below to view product.

Holiday Lodge Insurance CRD InsurTech Insurance Software
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